Running a small business

Running a small business

Running a small business can feel like this image, you know there's light ahead but at times it's foggy, low visibility, unsure if you're going in the right direction and trying to work out how to get from where you are now to where you want to be and that in itself (without all of the other business, financial and personal worries) can be scary!

Running a small business can feel like you're walking through thick fog...

I took that picture on my walk the other morning (hence my dog in the picture!) and it's had me thinking since how similar the feeling of walking through thick fog without being able to clearly see the path ahead can be what it's like running a small business and trying to plan for the future and what you want to achieve in your business.

There are loads of ways you can set goals in your business and create an action plan to follow but if you're in the thick fog at the moment actually sitting down and doing a big plan when you can't see past the end of the month can seem like a pipe dream.

So if you're like feeling this, knowing what your end goal is (the light in the future) is key (so you've programmed your GPS) and then instead of getting completely caught up in steps 10-20 I ask you to just focus on the next step..

What is the next step in your business to move you one step closer to your vision (your big goal for your business)

It doesn't even have to be a big step just one thing you can do now that is moving you and your business forward - I walked slowly through that fog as I couldn't see more than 5 steps ahead of me but I kept taking steps in the direction I knew I wanted to go and by the time I made it to my final destination (home) the fog was lifting and the sun was properly coming out.

As you've probably heard tiny steps lead to great destinations and if you need to adjust your course along the way that doesn't matter as long as you're moving forward towards your final destination

I recently did a video on overcoming challenges in business, you can watch it here