Your focus creates your reality…

Your focus creates your reality…

How many times have you seen that saying 'your focus creates your reality' on a post, quote or it's been said and you've mentally thought 'yeah, yeah I know! I don't need to be reminded but the reason my business is going through a tough time is...

The economy is bad - we're coming into a recession

The cost of living crisis/ everything is rising

The problems with the government (especially in the UK at the moment)

There aren't enough hours in a day It's the wrong time of year People aren't buying at the moment'

Please feel free to add to that list...

How much time and energy are you spending focused on those reasons that your business isn't doing so well at the moment?

Or how much time do you spend focusing on what you're making for dinner tonight, what you need to get shopping, where you're going on holiday next, an argument you had with a friend 6 months ago? (and all of the other 'chatter' that runs through our mind unconsciously)

How much time and energy are you spending completely focused on your business?

You know, why you're doing what you're doing, what value you want your clients to receive from working with you and how you can add even more value to them, what you want to create in your business (do you have a clear plan with a clear vision on what you want to achieve in the next 5 years?), how you're connecting with your clients and ways to improve or grow your business?

Thinking about that when you hear 'your focus creates your reality' can you honestly tell yourself your sole concious focus has been on your business, and not on everything WRONG with it but on how you can improve on what you're doing right, looking at what's working and doing more of that and looking at what's not working and why (is it not the right fit for your business or is it something that can be done differently that could work), and also most importantly what direction you're going in and what you want to achieve in your business for you and your customers? (Setting your GPS so you know clearly where you want to get to)

I ask you over the next few days to consciously take note of where you're putting your focus:

Are you devouring the news and papers everyday and getting caught up in the panic?

Are you focused on the rising costs and how much everything is increasing and then using up loads of mental energy worrying about it? (have you gone through your cash flow to look at how it's actually affecting you and if it is ways you can make savings?)

That argument with your friend 6 months ago, in the grand scheme of life, does it matter that much what was said or wasn't said and how much of your precious energy you have spent focused on that?

OR are you focused on where you're taking your business, how your work is helping your customers, new ways of adding value to said customers and ways of improving?

As William Whitecloud (author of the best selling book The Magicians Way) says what we think we're focused on isn't usually what we're actually focused on!